The Municipality of Salamis in cooperation with the region of Attica the Hellenic Navy the E.A.A.N. (Association of Retired Hellenic Navy Officers) and AIANTIS club organizes annual events for the epic Greek victory at Salamis island against the Persian Empire where saved Greece the Western civilization as well as the Freedom and Democracy.
The festivities last for 7 days from 22 to 29 September
On 22nd of September ambassadors from 30 countries, representatives of the Greek Government , the Chief of the National Defence General Staff, Chief of the Navy, Chief of the Coast Guard honored everywhere Salaminian fighters sacrificed for Freedom and Democracy depositing a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Syntagma Square in Athens.
from 23 to 27 September held in the Historical Salamis, lectures, exhibitions, ancient Greek plays, Sailing races and Rowing races.
On 28th of September, morning, ancient Greek ceremony in sacred site of the tomb of Salamninian Fighters
On 28th of September, afternoon, a day before the Battle, in the ancient port events take place with 23 municipalities which participated in the Battle and are currently the network of Salamis Fighters.
On 29th of September The Great national parade in the Ancient Port with participation of 30 embassies, the Greek Government the Chief of the National Defense General staff, Chief of Navy , Chief of Coast Guard spectators and many tourists.ΧΟΡΗΓΙΕΣ - SPONSORS 2011 - 2012